Why your brand is not getting sales despite spending on marketing?

By admin

The spirits are always high when you are starting, or venturing out a new product or a brand into the market. As a founder/manufacturer you get the best product ready, invest all the money you have, have a great-looking logo and packaging, and start putting your products on display in a brick-and-mortar store along with the top players of the online markets. You start posting on social media channels and spread the word to your family and friends too!

And now, the wait begins for your first order! Within a couple of days, orders start flowing. You are Happy! But by the end of 6 to 8 months when you check your accounts you realise your brand isn’t into profits but just barely managing your expenses or sometimes not even that.

So now your search for HELP begins! In the search of Help, you start to invest more money in ads, campaigns, and other media. But in the end Return on Investment (ROI) is never satisfactory or is always less.

And do you know WHY?

The primary reason being; the BRAND FOUNDATION being WEAK! Now, what exactly does brand foundation mean or include?

      1. Lack of Research: There is no enough research about your own product, what are the aims of the brand, why should people buy your product, how is different, how your brand makes the audience feel and so much more.
      2. Targeting the wrong Audience: You don’t know whom your product is exactly for, who is the user, who is the ad viewer, and who is the buyer. What is the age group, what are their needs/wants/desires etc? Or you are targeting everybody?


    1. Not knowing your Competitors and Market: Studying the competitors, market needs and trends is very crucial. Understanding the category traits and behavior is equally necessary. How can your brand/product be different in the competition decides the USP (Unique selling proposition)
    2. Not having Strong Brand Values and Brand Positioning Statement: Brand Values and Brand statements help build trust in the minds of the viewer and the consumer about your brand helping you get better sales.
    3. Being Inconsistent: Being inconsistent in designing, and following brand guidelines i.e. brand colors, fonts, etc. affects the brand recall of the viewers and consumers hampering the sales of the brand.

Ideally, a Brand foundation is built at the start of the brand which is called BRAND STRATEGY. 

Don’t worry you can still get it done, even if you have already started your brand or your brand is 2-3 years old or even older.

BRAND STRATEGY never did anyone, any harm!

Still need help growing your sales with strategy? Get on a Free Discovery Call with us!

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